Finolhu, Baa Atoll Maldives
Created by Muza Lab
noun: kaleidoscope; plural noun: kaleidoscopes
1. A toy consisting of a tube containing mirrors and pieces of coloured glass or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated.
2. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements.
3. “The dancers moved in a kaleidoscope of colour"
Counting 105 coral reefs, life under the waters of Baa Atoll is rich with marine life; the inspiration behind the redesign for Finolhu was a playful celebration of the ocean. Inspired by the refraction of light on the blue waters, the design concept is an adventure in kaleidoscopic rhythms and organic beauty.
Driven by Muza Lab’s passion for all things handmade, the team worked closely with craft suppliers from Indonesia to Africa, adding thoughtful detail and depth in wickerwork and seashell chandeliers