
Muza Lab

If a picture paints words by the thousand, then a space can inspire entire stories by the million. For us, these stories are everything.

Inge Moore Muza Lab
Nathan Hutchins Muza Lab

Nathan Hutchins

Inge Moore

We seek them out in every place we work. We let our curiosity roam free around a landscape. We explore its past and interrogate its character until it’s told us all it can—its legends, its quirks, and its crafts. With these elements in our hands, we shape a new tale.

We experiment and explore. We then edit and hone. As we do so, the essence of a location is woven into the sensations of our space. We bring them together to form something moving, memorable, and magical.

Our spaces are where people go to share special moments with those most precious to them. Our aim is simple: to make these moments rich with feelings that can’t be shaken; to create settings for stories that are held close to the heart, and told again and again.


We’re as much a boutique laboratory as we are a design studio; a place where materials, crafts and histories are brought together and then fused into tangible stories.


Our culture is unique, shaped by the skills and passions of the people that work there. Together we share the same guiding spirit of experimentation and storytelling.


Wherever we are and whatever the scope, we are led by the natural and cultural heritage of the location. We go wherever there are incredible stories to tell.


The scale of our work is as diverse as its setting. We capture romance and delicate detailing, effortlessly crafting spaces that create memories, evoke feelings.